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May 9, 2024

Flexi working is here to stay, and here’s 5 reasons why to embrace it:

As life becomes busier and faster, we have had to adapt and adjust the way we work. Balancing everyday life and work has become a talent in which many of us are still to master, but adopting a flexible work balance has many benefits to not only our wellbeing, but also to our productivity and efficiency.

Work / Home life balance

As many of us are still to master the ability to switch off “work mode” and go straight into “home mode”, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed. However, a lot of companies are now accepting flexible hours as a more standard way of work – which can allow us to priorities time with our families and home life. You can pop to your local coffee shop and squeeze in a couple of hours work, then up and go just in time for the school run. This style of working allows many to feel more productive, more balanced & ultimately much happier with their work and employer.

More focused work

When working within a high pressure, busy and hectic environment many employees can find it hard to focus and can easily become distracted. You can’t avoid the office “chit chat” which ultimately eats away at your working time. Creating an office space at home can allow for an uninterrupted and calming environment. Try setting yourself daily objectives & create a steady routine to really allow yourself to optimise your time.

Evolving technology

The accessibility and regular use of platforms such as zoom calls & teams meetings has really pushed flexi working to a new level. It’s easy to jump on a call with multiple team members and use a collaborative website such a Slack or Asana to plan out a new project, share a presentation and even brainstorm new campaigns. We all know that technology is ever evolving, so why shouldn’t our way of working be the same?

Your set up is key

As the old saying goes “A worker is only as good as their tools” and this couldn’t be truer for a flexi worker. Sit/Stand desks are a hit with not only office workers but also workers based from home. This is due to the enormous amount of health benefits such as posture improvement, better circulation, weight management as well as better gut & brain function. Built in tech such a Qi/wireless charging allows your devices to stay charged for longer with minimal wires, which keeps your workspace clear from clutter.

Prioritising mental health

One of the more imperative pro’s to flexi-working is workplace wellbeing, and this has been become more prevalent since the Covid 19 outbreak. For both employees and employers, it is important to not feel overloaded with a stressful workload. If an employee is stressed productivity, attendance and company morale are bound to decrease. Of course a level of trust must be obtained between employee & employer, which can be obtained through setting objectives via a structured routine. All of which will create positive workplace relationships and create a culture where work, mental health & work life balance can live and thrive simultaneously.

Gino Corner Sit Stand Desk





Juno 4.0 Sit Stand Desk





Mille Home Office Chair






Hedda Home Office Chair






Alma Home Office chair






Clara Home Office Chair






Tori 4.0 smart desk



